Post Rehab
Let’s say you had a frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement, teared meniscus or any problem or injury and you went to the physiotherapist. You can not just get back to training like you did before the process is gradual.
As a post rehab specialist, I serve as a gateway between you and the physiotherapist and continuously contact your physio after your rehab phase to provide the best program for you!!
Examples of Post Rehab
Shoulder Impingement is quite a common condition and there are many factors that come into play that might cause it. I can help by tailoring the program to get you back on track in no time!!
It is Important to be screened for this by your physio and undergoing the proper rehab procedures before entering Post-rehab training, where I will be communicating with the physio to give you the best training program for your condition.
If you are a football player who suffers from this the way to get back on your feet and functional is to do the necessary procedures for it and to train your knee joint back to health. This is where I come in, I work on getting you up and running for your next football game while also preventing the reoccurence of this condition by strengthening the relevant muscle that can work on protecting the knee.
Your Meniscus protects your knee Joint from any shock. It plays a role as a shock absorbant, so it is crucial that it maintains this function. When you tear it, there are things you can and can not do once you are at post rehab phase. The progression is gradual.
Inflammation is a tricky thing, so you need to handle it with care and like everything, your joints and tendons need time to heal. Feel good again by doing the necessary post-rehab exercises that will ease your pain and will let you do the activities you love the most.
Most of us have office jobs and this could impact the way we stand. Look at yourself in the mirror and check if you suffer rounded shoulders and if you have a forward head posture. As a Post Rehab Specialist, it is my responsibility to help strengthen the muscles that are responsible for you maintaining a good and healthy posture.
As a Post Rehab Specialist and Pharmacist, I am updated on the recent exercise guidelines and recommendations on the most common chronic conditions like Hypertension and Diabetes and more and the special considerations that come with it. Your Journey to a tailored Personal training Session is one click away!!